domingo, noviembre 06, 2005

hola, esta es la nueva decoracion de mi closet, los pinte esta maniana, el proceso fue largo y dispendioso.....ah, y estan a la venta....1 millon por el pato a la una, un millon por el pato a las 2... Posted by Picasa


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Sex Sells - Truth or Fiction
Sex Sells. We've all heard it so often it's turned into a cliche. Advertising is full of sexual imagery and innuendo.
Just like so many Americans my friend loves the clubs and club music lyrics so he went ahead and built an awesome website about club music lyrics. When he's in high spirit he goes to the site and start reciting all his favorite club music lyrics. Says it's good for the heart. Guess what? I gave it a shot and it works great!

11:47 p. m.  

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